Once again, excellent. One might even say you have entered the world of parables

Religions are often embraced for comfort. In a confusing world, religion can provide simple and definitive answers to the most troubling questions. Hell, I think, is such an answer. The irony in this story is that simple answers are for children, for the young who haven’t developed the faculties of critical thinking. Kevin is young yet has the innate ability to explore beyond Sunday school theology. (I wonder if this is a compulsion some are born with? Some born only to embrace the simple, others to wrestle with the complicated, and others that see the complicated as simple. ?)

Personally, I reached a deeper more wholistic and enriching faith by challenging the simple precepts that many cling to for comfort. But that’s me. And I’m even younger than Kevin and definitely no angel. 😉

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I was nearly denied confirmation for not believing in hell. I left anyway 😄

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